Monday, August 11, 2008


attended the surprise engagement ceremony of two dearly beloved friends, hafiz and shahisdah. in any case, its always brings about such a welling of emotions inside me, when two people i love come together. although this is an engagement and not the wedding yet, i pray that all goes well to the point where they ascend the dais together and ever after, and may Allah bless them both always.
hafiz, to the extreme left. see how cute he looks. of course shasha terpikat.

hafiz's side of the tanda. 5 butterflies and a ring make up the 10%. hehe.
shasha's side of the tanda. hafiz won't be wearing a maxtor on his finger though!
shasha dreaming of the things to come.
"oh the evil i can do now... *sinister laugh*"
believe me, she really said that.
and she also said that hafiz cannot escape. cos she has the one ring to rule him all.

the four. abu and uan were of course not paying attention to which cameras were snapping. most likely checking someone out at the side.

anyways, congratulations again dearies. *muacks*

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