at least a movie a week since the last update. and i must say that some of these are really worth watching.

first up was watchmen, the highly acclaimed comic cult film. this was a surprising film, in the depth and intricacy of the story. of course those who have read the comic would have said that it was nothing out of the ordinary, but for me who saw this the first time round, with no prior knowledge, it was surprisingly enlightening. many concepts of what defined society and personality, and humanity in its many intricate forms were raised in this film. the concept of necessary evil was of course the key driving motivation, and the final twist at the end was like... wow.
i loved this film.

next up is a lesser hyped film, though with a cast like dakota fanning and djimon hounsou, you wonder why it is not quite as hyped. well, the story, for one, may not appeal to everyone. it is almost x-men like, and the science fiction aspect of it may immediately set it aside as a movie to watch. but in any case, if you had some powers, what would you do? i think the conspiracies in the story may call for a sequel, but i enjoyed it for the cool effects, and if nothing more, a movie that i could watch without having to think too much. :P

now this last one is a keeper. departures is led by the gatsby man (remember him?), who lost his job and had to take on a taboo profession in the japanese society. shan't reveal too much here, but it has something to do with the title of the movie. now this is an exploration of the idea of passion in one's vocation, and understanding the meaning of true service and dedication to the calling of the profession. there were many tender moments in the movie that made me cry, especially moments when the power of the human emotion and relationships were depicted. those emotions resonated deep in me, especially since i had experienced similar feelings not too long ago. i think this is something that everyone should watch, and anyone who does not feel anything, should question how hard their hearts have become. haha.
movie critic out.
I found your blog by way of googling Departures as I watched it last night and am doing a post on it. Like you, I really enjoyed this movie. My husband and I went to bed and talked about this movie for a good 20 minutes, and still I think of it today. There were spots I laughed the hardest I have in a year, and cried in parts too. I'm going to link up your review.
Hi Beth,
its been more than a year, and i can still remember the movie. it really is a keeper, as how i have mentioned. and yes, there are so many moments that i cried again and again.
i especially loved the notion that sometimes the jobs that people don't want to do are the jobs that have the most meaning, and the jobs that will teach you what it means to be human, and how frail we as humans are.
it is so easy to wax philosophical about the movie, but it is just a great watch, with a great message.
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