Wednesday, August 11, 2004

non-interneticus et mobilus phonus absentus

disease: non-interneticus

symptoms: intense malaise and boredom, withdrawal from virtual world, loss of finger dexterity due to decreased typing activities, general misinformation due to decreased socialisation; may also lead to depression and temper flares, and unexplainable poopiheadiness

disease: mobilus phonus absentus

symptoms: phantom fingering of number pad, hyposmses, reduced desire for conversation and speech; also depressive and a sense of hopelessness

treatment: drug called fuloos, a highly debatable anti-depressive which may result in side effects like hyperactivity, hypersocialism, and hyperspenditis, leading to other possible conditions like empticus walletus,eventually leading to more problems such as the two mentioned above, in addition to parentus admonishus and emotional liabilities like sadditis and feelingus like suicidus.

i am currently only suffering from mild non-interneticus and mobilus phonus absentus. No drug treatment been prescribed yet.

but dunno how long i can survive.

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