You are Black Tiger, who is gentle to others, has kind and good natured personality.
You are also a broad minded and optimistic person.
You don't feel shy to strangers, and is very popular.
You have a chance of becoming very big.
You are extremely vigorous, and are strong both physically and mentally.
You are someone who is in the center of everything and are very tough person.
Under this power, you hide great ideas and are calculating all the risks.
This gives high success rate to your every action.
You don't get lost in emotions; you can analyze the circumstance calmly to make decisions.
Never the less, you tend to lack snap decision makings, and therefore sometimes are unable to show your merits.
You are capable in many different areas, so sometimes be over confident.
You tend to be unclear on "taking moral responsibility".
And be influenced by easy decisions.
If your environment treats you indulgently, you ought to be careful.
You are independent occupational wise too.
You are too proud to lower head, so you are not suited in service industry.
But if you overcome this weakness, you may become a person of high caliber.
You are talented in academic and literary area.
If you can broaden and balance out your vision, there is high possibility that you may become famous in this area.
You are weak on paper work that requires preciseness.
Occupations like government officials which think highly of authority would suit you.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Sunday, September 26, 2004
ilsatari's "kontemplasi"
"berpijak ku bumi
bertongkat ku langit..."
went to the concert at ucc at 2.30pm, with ratna, mardiana, amin, suhaila and melissa. t'was a good concert, if not for the fact that it was so confusing. we had to get abang osman down beside to explain the meaning of the dance. the dance basically representated abang man's interpretation of the malay society now. cliche i know, but i shall touch on that later.
"berpijak ku bumi, bertongkat ku langit" actually is a rephrasing of the malay idiom, "di mana bumi kupijak, di situ langit ku junjung" which means that where you go or live, you should adapt to the ways and needs and demands of the environment there. it bears various meanings and connotations.
firstly, it symbolised the powerlessness of the malay society, then and now, in running its own affairs; despite the control that has supposedly be given, and the voice of authority, in effect, we are still subtly being oppressed and our voice subverted by the greater powers at play.
secondly, it states the need of the malay community to utilise the current trends and developments to grow and develop itself to be a significant society - a society that is not backward, a society that contributes, a society that has an audible voice. for that, the malays need to be aware and not lulled by their own cultures and traditional ways, breaking free from inhibitory perceptions and self-contented mannerisms.
that i got from abang osman's explanations.
this, from taufiq.
that the malays should aim for greater heights, now reaching beyond the heavens, and the heavens are merely supports to reaching that vision.
well to each his own.
to me, it is all a matter of your own contemplation how you view your situation, hence the theme of the dance. the malay society being trapped, being oppressed and needing to make themselves heard are all passe and cliched to me. being a person of the arts has left me rather numb to the statement that the malay society is not progressing. which was why i found the dance to be rather confusing rather than provoking. yes i enjoyed the technique, but i guess abang osman's genius did not shine through this time round. but to each his own :)
more importantly to me, was the sharing of an enjoyable experience with very good friends, and the gathering of fellow appreciants of the arts. and of course, most importantly, the reconciliation of two old friends, to whom i would like to express my congratulations, and my prayers that all will be well from now on.
bertongkat ku langit..."
went to the concert at ucc at 2.30pm, with ratna, mardiana, amin, suhaila and melissa. t'was a good concert, if not for the fact that it was so confusing. we had to get abang osman down beside to explain the meaning of the dance. the dance basically representated abang man's interpretation of the malay society now. cliche i know, but i shall touch on that later.
"berpijak ku bumi, bertongkat ku langit" actually is a rephrasing of the malay idiom, "di mana bumi kupijak, di situ langit ku junjung" which means that where you go or live, you should adapt to the ways and needs and demands of the environment there. it bears various meanings and connotations.
firstly, it symbolised the powerlessness of the malay society, then and now, in running its own affairs; despite the control that has supposedly be given, and the voice of authority, in effect, we are still subtly being oppressed and our voice subverted by the greater powers at play.
secondly, it states the need of the malay community to utilise the current trends and developments to grow and develop itself to be a significant society - a society that is not backward, a society that contributes, a society that has an audible voice. for that, the malays need to be aware and not lulled by their own cultures and traditional ways, breaking free from inhibitory perceptions and self-contented mannerisms.
that i got from abang osman's explanations.
this, from taufiq.
that the malays should aim for greater heights, now reaching beyond the heavens, and the heavens are merely supports to reaching that vision.
well to each his own.
to me, it is all a matter of your own contemplation how you view your situation, hence the theme of the dance. the malay society being trapped, being oppressed and needing to make themselves heard are all passe and cliched to me. being a person of the arts has left me rather numb to the statement that the malay society is not progressing. which was why i found the dance to be rather confusing rather than provoking. yes i enjoyed the technique, but i guess abang osman's genius did not shine through this time round. but to each his own :)
more importantly to me, was the sharing of an enjoyable experience with very good friends, and the gathering of fellow appreciants of the arts. and of course, most importantly, the reconciliation of two old friends, to whom i would like to express my congratulations, and my prayers that all will be well from now on.
me a war horse...wakakakkaka

You'd turn into a War Horse. Strong, brave and
loyal like a war horse you are protective of
family and friends and generally polite and
freindly to people you dont know or just met.
However your attitude can change quickly if
your family or friends are threatened in anyway
and you quickly fight it off. However because
of your protective attitude you can oftern find
yourself getting angry and interfering if you
see anyone being threatened and cant defend
What animal would you turn into?
brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
titanic showed on channel 5 again tonight.
the show never fails to move me on two accounts:
the might of God and the power of love.
the might of God is proved by the fallacy of Man in thinking that he is supreme. forgetting that his might is nothing against the supremacy of God above all else.
the power of love is proved by the fortitude and courage that it provides, in going on with life, and not giving up in spite of adversity.
and for that reason, Man is exalted by God above all creatures, for his ability to feel, to emote, and to act with conscience.
praise be to Him and all Glory be His.
the show never fails to move me on two accounts:
the might of God and the power of love.
the might of God is proved by the fallacy of Man in thinking that he is supreme. forgetting that his might is nothing against the supremacy of God above all else.
the power of love is proved by the fortitude and courage that it provides, in going on with life, and not giving up in spite of adversity.
and for that reason, Man is exalted by God above all creatures, for his ability to feel, to emote, and to act with conscience.
praise be to Him and all Glory be His.
why do you worry?
i really cannot see the point in you worrying excessively. there's really nothing else that can truly be done, except letting things work out the way they are supposed to. we do not exist to control each other, neither do we exist to influence the other. freedom. what is it if you still need to worry? free yourself, and do not bother unnecessarily. if it is meant to be, it will happen despite all your efforts. but i am not dismissing you nor am i unappreciative. but space is what we both need. and space is exactly what we both need. it hurts me as much as it hurts you. but we both have gotten along fine before. let it be.
Monday, September 20, 2004
A friend gave this to me as a reminder. Sometimes I wish I could be that person as defined. Sometimes I wish other people could be that person. Well, whichever, for anyone seeking to know, read on.
What is Friendship?
Knowing there is another human being you can trust completely. Realizing that someone else wants the best for you, too. Providing a gentle haven where the other can be relaxed and feel safe. Helping solve problems without taking over your friend's life Sharing the grief times along with the great times. Being together without needing to pretend. Forgiving pretenses when they do occur.
Cherishing together the joys and traumas of change and growth. Nourishing one another's dreams, hopes, and decisions along the path. Encouraging your friend to stretch as far as possible. Receiving feedback without questioning motive. Easing pain instead of fueling the fire of hurt. Loving another person in spite of differences and imperfections.
Extolling virtues rather than expanding on flaws. Accepting a friend's anger toward you, as yours is also sanctioned. Sending love even when you're not together or in agreement. Coming to your friend's aid an expecting nothing in return. Freeing each other from the manipulations that undo many relationships. Dancing through life together, not trudging along toward death. Soaring to new heights rather than plunging into murk and mire.
Finding time to be together despite the obstacles of everyday living. Wanting no more than to be with your friend at that moment. Understanding the occasional need for distance. Taking up right where you left off, even after several years. Knowing that your commitment to each other is always by choice. Giving freely when appropriate and taking graciously when needed.
Divining each other's thoughts and feelings easily and often. Saying "no" without having to explain why. Winning and losing do not matter to real friends. Friendships are not instantaneous, they are earned. Friendships withstand the storms and upheavals of time. Friendships surpass the trite boundaries of acquaintanceship. Friendships often develop with improbable people at unlikely times. Friends know the difference between image and substance. Friends bask in the glow of the other's triumphs. Friends will be there when you need them. Friends are one of God's greatest gifts.
What is Friendship?
Knowing there is another human being you can trust completely. Realizing that someone else wants the best for you, too. Providing a gentle haven where the other can be relaxed and feel safe. Helping solve problems without taking over your friend's life Sharing the grief times along with the great times. Being together without needing to pretend. Forgiving pretenses when they do occur.
Cherishing together the joys and traumas of change and growth. Nourishing one another's dreams, hopes, and decisions along the path. Encouraging your friend to stretch as far as possible. Receiving feedback without questioning motive. Easing pain instead of fueling the fire of hurt. Loving another person in spite of differences and imperfections.
Extolling virtues rather than expanding on flaws. Accepting a friend's anger toward you, as yours is also sanctioned. Sending love even when you're not together or in agreement. Coming to your friend's aid an expecting nothing in return. Freeing each other from the manipulations that undo many relationships. Dancing through life together, not trudging along toward death. Soaring to new heights rather than plunging into murk and mire.
Finding time to be together despite the obstacles of everyday living. Wanting no more than to be with your friend at that moment. Understanding the occasional need for distance. Taking up right where you left off, even after several years. Knowing that your commitment to each other is always by choice. Giving freely when appropriate and taking graciously when needed.
Divining each other's thoughts and feelings easily and often. Saying "no" without having to explain why. Winning and losing do not matter to real friends. Friendships are not instantaneous, they are earned. Friendships withstand the storms and upheavals of time. Friendships surpass the trite boundaries of acquaintanceship. Friendships often develop with improbable people at unlikely times. Friends know the difference between image and substance. Friends bask in the glow of the other's triumphs. Friends will be there when you need them. Friends are one of God's greatest gifts.
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Society for The Physically Disabled Family Carnival 2004
saturday was the day when the above event took place.
well, before anything, i need to bitch. let me just ventilate that i ABSOLUTELY CANNOT STAND the inefficiencies of certain people in the school. idiots they were, making us come to school at 9 on a saturday morning when the event was only due to start at 4 in the afternoon. and we spent like a good 5 hours doing nothing much there, good time that could have been used sleeping at home or studying... more sleeping of course. hell, i am entitled. friday saw my group teaching the class for a whole hour for our problem-based learning. and apparently, we stressed out the other groups, 'cos the standards of our presentation was unexpectedly high. hahah, all i can say is yippee.
back to saturday, bitching not done.
the idiots running and organising the event really got on everybody's nerves for their lack of respect and mindfulness. while others were doing work, these nincompoops had the cheek to go around and demand for things, when they themselves were sitting around doing nothing. they come dressed in civilian clothes, when they told the rest to be in the t-shirt. they order us around according to their whims and fancies, and no thought was spared for the work that needed to be completed on hand. when i complained to sid, he gave some words of comfort, "they have no experience, so try to understand." all the more then, they should be conscientious of what they are doing, rather than bossing the workers who made the whole thing possible. idiots.
well, thank goodness i won't have much to do with them.
the event went along simply fine, against all expectations. i enjoyed myself a whole deal despite the asses up there. at the end of the day, i had made friends with a few people, and the words of encouragement, and smiles and appreciation they showed me at the end of the day, made it all worthwhile.
my reasons and beliefs are strengthened once again.
well, before anything, i need to bitch. let me just ventilate that i ABSOLUTELY CANNOT STAND the inefficiencies of certain people in the school. idiots they were, making us come to school at 9 on a saturday morning when the event was only due to start at 4 in the afternoon. and we spent like a good 5 hours doing nothing much there, good time that could have been used sleeping at home or studying... more sleeping of course. hell, i am entitled. friday saw my group teaching the class for a whole hour for our problem-based learning. and apparently, we stressed out the other groups, 'cos the standards of our presentation was unexpectedly high. hahah, all i can say is yippee.
back to saturday, bitching not done.
the idiots running and organising the event really got on everybody's nerves for their lack of respect and mindfulness. while others were doing work, these nincompoops had the cheek to go around and demand for things, when they themselves were sitting around doing nothing. they come dressed in civilian clothes, when they told the rest to be in the t-shirt. they order us around according to their whims and fancies, and no thought was spared for the work that needed to be completed on hand. when i complained to sid, he gave some words of comfort, "they have no experience, so try to understand." all the more then, they should be conscientious of what they are doing, rather than bossing the workers who made the whole thing possible. idiots.
well, thank goodness i won't have much to do with them.
the event went along simply fine, against all expectations. i enjoyed myself a whole deal despite the asses up there. at the end of the day, i had made friends with a few people, and the words of encouragement, and smiles and appreciation they showed me at the end of the day, made it all worthwhile.
my reasons and beliefs are strengthened once again.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
i know my place
i realised that i have really been arrogant in my assumptions and my judgments. and that i think i am super-loved, and super-smart, and super-in-the-crowd. what misconstrued perceptions i have.
2 events happened in the past week that put me back in my place. who i am to people, and what they really think of me.
shattered i am, but thankful for the reminder.
i know my place now.
In my place, in my place,
Were lines that I couldn't change,
I was lost, oh yeah.
I was lost, I was lost,
Crossed lines I shouldn't have crossed,
I was lost, oh yeah.
Yeah, how long must you wait for it?
Yeah, how long must you pay for it?
Yeah, how long must you wait for it?
For it...
I was scared, I was scared,
Tired and underprepared,
But I'll wait for it.
If you go, if you go,
And leave me down here on my own,
then I'll wait for you.
Yeah, how long must you wait for it?
Yeah, how long must you pay for it?
Yeah, how long must you wait for it?
For it, ya...
Singin' please, please, please,
Come back come and sing to me,
To me, me.
Come on and sing it out, now, now.
Come on and sing it out, to me, me.
Come back and sing to me.
In my place, in my place,
Were lines that I couldn't change,
I was lost, oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
In My Place - Coldplay
2 events happened in the past week that put me back in my place. who i am to people, and what they really think of me.
shattered i am, but thankful for the reminder.
i know my place now.
In my place, in my place,
Were lines that I couldn't change,
I was lost, oh yeah.
I was lost, I was lost,
Crossed lines I shouldn't have crossed,
I was lost, oh yeah.
Yeah, how long must you wait for it?
Yeah, how long must you pay for it?
Yeah, how long must you wait for it?
For it...
I was scared, I was scared,
Tired and underprepared,
But I'll wait for it.
If you go, if you go,
And leave me down here on my own,
then I'll wait for you.
Yeah, how long must you wait for it?
Yeah, how long must you pay for it?
Yeah, how long must you wait for it?
For it, ya...
Singin' please, please, please,
Come back come and sing to me,
To me, me.
Come on and sing it out, now, now.
Come on and sing it out, to me, me.
Come back and sing to me.
In my place, in my place,
Were lines that I couldn't change,
I was lost, oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
In My Place - Coldplay
Monday, September 13, 2004
unfounded worries
the case of the missing thai man.
there was a thai man who works at at this unnamed site near jalan bahar. he was generally a very conscientious worker, and never once did he shirk his responsibilities. his peers were very glad to have him around, because not only did he keep the team together, he never once failed to lend a helping hand to any of his peers whom he sees requiring it.
one day, after the completion of a project, this particular thai worker suddenly disappeared. although initially, his disappearance went unnoticed, after some time, his fellow workers began to get worried. they did not know what had happened to this good friend of theirs. he never once missed work, and he was definitely not an irresponsible man. even the ones who usually see him around, began to question.
some thought that he was tired of the work that he was doing, understanding that the work was definitely not easy. some thought he was harbouring unpleasantries against them for some unknown reasons. some thought he was thowing a tantrum for his work was apparently unappreciated. some thought many other things. but no one really knew.
and i tried to find out, with much effort.
and found out that this thai worker was seriously misperceived, and that he was in no way doing anything that would let anyone down. he was doing what he felt he should do, working in silence and away from the normal crowd, just so that he would achieve his aims better. secretly his hands moved, silently his words spoke, softly his firmness and determination showed. all for the greater good.
i am ever in awe of him. and i suppose i will always be.
i had said that in giving up power, he would gain and work with an even greater authority. so he proves it to me, that in his ways, he is guided by a greater power, and a clarity of thought beyond many others.
our worries truly were unfounded.
pray for his well-being and his success.
there was a thai man who works at at this unnamed site near jalan bahar. he was generally a very conscientious worker, and never once did he shirk his responsibilities. his peers were very glad to have him around, because not only did he keep the team together, he never once failed to lend a helping hand to any of his peers whom he sees requiring it.
one day, after the completion of a project, this particular thai worker suddenly disappeared. although initially, his disappearance went unnoticed, after some time, his fellow workers began to get worried. they did not know what had happened to this good friend of theirs. he never once missed work, and he was definitely not an irresponsible man. even the ones who usually see him around, began to question.
some thought that he was tired of the work that he was doing, understanding that the work was definitely not easy. some thought he was harbouring unpleasantries against them for some unknown reasons. some thought he was thowing a tantrum for his work was apparently unappreciated. some thought many other things. but no one really knew.
and i tried to find out, with much effort.
and found out that this thai worker was seriously misperceived, and that he was in no way doing anything that would let anyone down. he was doing what he felt he should do, working in silence and away from the normal crowd, just so that he would achieve his aims better. secretly his hands moved, silently his words spoke, softly his firmness and determination showed. all for the greater good.
i am ever in awe of him. and i suppose i will always be.
i had said that in giving up power, he would gain and work with an even greater authority. so he proves it to me, that in his ways, he is guided by a greater power, and a clarity of thought beyond many others.
our worries truly were unfounded.
pray for his well-being and his success.
NTUMS Appreciation Tea
the above event was sumthing i really looked forward to at the end of the week. spent a good hour preparing myself, deciding my ensemble. and came up with this combi of the white top we got for kitsitra's performance, my brown pants, and a cambodian silk shawl that my sister gifted me. the shawl was purple (so metro!) to keep to the theme of something pink or purple.
the appreciation tea is actually an inaugural event organised by the outgoing 17th exco to recount the events of the past work year, as well as to celebrate the volunteers who came forward to lend their abilities for MS events. i arrived looking all fine and dandy, replete with my side purse (you know the bag that accompanies a kain pelikat when you buy it?). i really felt goooood.
then met semua orang-orang yang cukup dirindui, rezuan, osh, farida, firdaus, siddiq, sha... the works!!! it was truly a sweet gathering for me. hahahahah...had a great time, although at some points, i was close to biting the flesh of someone's hand for being a poopy-head...and knowing that he was being a poopy-head...
then abu came around five, and we went for our own tea. then whatever came over him, he even threw in a fish & co's dinner. abu abu abu. such an enigma, even now.
p/s: poopyhead man, i think you know who you are. you poop me off again, jaga kau. :) sayang dia.
the appreciation tea is actually an inaugural event organised by the outgoing 17th exco to recount the events of the past work year, as well as to celebrate the volunteers who came forward to lend their abilities for MS events. i arrived looking all fine and dandy, replete with my side purse (you know the bag that accompanies a kain pelikat when you buy it?). i really felt goooood.
then met semua orang-orang yang cukup dirindui, rezuan, osh, farida, firdaus, siddiq, sha... the works!!! it was truly a sweet gathering for me. hahahahah...had a great time, although at some points, i was close to biting the flesh of someone's hand for being a poopy-head...and knowing that he was being a poopy-head...
then abu came around five, and we went for our own tea. then whatever came over him, he even threw in a fish & co's dinner. abu abu abu. such an enigma, even now.
p/s: poopyhead man, i think you know who you are. you poop me off again, jaga kau. :) sayang dia.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
happy day
went to school early in the morn, had a psycho test to take which went a-ok.
then went to orchard to meet up with herman, he wanted to pass me the invite for the appreciation tea. the poor man rushed from ntu to far east, only to find that my card was for mr yusoff, and not mr nizar. so i wont be able to make it tomorrow for the tea (kidding).
fadiah and karima wanted to meet up along the way, so we did. met shaiful and shahidah along the way. went to watch a movie, harold and kumar go to white castle, which was superbly hilarious. by the way, it was karima's first official visit to the cinema, and we botched it up. movie is NC-16, karima looks 14, uncle at the door asked for ID. hahaha. poor girl. then went into a pitch black cinema, and couldnt find our seats for a good five minutes. i scared fadiah and karima for a teensy while when i squatted down and disappeared. we found our seats, and started laughing immediately. but movie is a big no-no for it shows big no-nos, and karima was embarrassed to the point of laughing. i was embarrassed too. fadiah was like, kill nizar for the recommendation. but what the hell. we had a great laugh.
then went for asar, and to the youth park to see al-falah youth wing and their islamic culture exhibition. was a novel idea, but needed more work on it. well, then met up with taufiq and azfar for dinner. at lucky plaza, met leha and firda. realised i miss tarian like a whole lot. then went to royal plaza on scotts for maghrib. joined up with muslim, adib, shaiful, syahid, hasan, renee over there. miss the kids even more. hahha. then went to apple centre at wheelock with taufiq and azfar and fadiah and karima. i want an apple now.
taufiq left for tarian, azfar left for home, i left for woodlands to accompany the girls for some shopping. two set of shoes, some stockings, a bottle of shampoo and really tired feet later, ended the day at cavana woodland's point for supper. saw terrence and showed him the yearbook. and he was happy.
i am happy.
boarded the train, and waved to herman yr 2 who was alighting.
met so many peeps. sated for a long time. :)
then went to orchard to meet up with herman, he wanted to pass me the invite for the appreciation tea. the poor man rushed from ntu to far east, only to find that my card was for mr yusoff, and not mr nizar. so i wont be able to make it tomorrow for the tea (kidding).
fadiah and karima wanted to meet up along the way, so we did. met shaiful and shahidah along the way. went to watch a movie, harold and kumar go to white castle, which was superbly hilarious. by the way, it was karima's first official visit to the cinema, and we botched it up. movie is NC-16, karima looks 14, uncle at the door asked for ID. hahaha. poor girl. then went into a pitch black cinema, and couldnt find our seats for a good five minutes. i scared fadiah and karima for a teensy while when i squatted down and disappeared. we found our seats, and started laughing immediately. but movie is a big no-no for it shows big no-nos, and karima was embarrassed to the point of laughing. i was embarrassed too. fadiah was like, kill nizar for the recommendation. but what the hell. we had a great laugh.
then went for asar, and to the youth park to see al-falah youth wing and their islamic culture exhibition. was a novel idea, but needed more work on it. well, then met up with taufiq and azfar for dinner. at lucky plaza, met leha and firda. realised i miss tarian like a whole lot. then went to royal plaza on scotts for maghrib. joined up with muslim, adib, shaiful, syahid, hasan, renee over there. miss the kids even more. hahha. then went to apple centre at wheelock with taufiq and azfar and fadiah and karima. i want an apple now.
taufiq left for tarian, azfar left for home, i left for woodlands to accompany the girls for some shopping. two set of shoes, some stockings, a bottle of shampoo and really tired feet later, ended the day at cavana woodland's point for supper. saw terrence and showed him the yearbook. and he was happy.
i am happy.
boarded the train, and waved to herman yr 2 who was alighting.
met so many peeps. sated for a long time. :)
purnama merindu
Bermaknakah tipa baris kata-kata
Ataukah hanya di bibir saja
Bersungguhkan rindu yang engkau pamirkan
Ataukan sekadar lakonan
aku meminta pada yang ada
aku merindu pada yang kasih
aku merayu pada mu yang sudi merinduku
aku meminta pada yang ada
aku merindu pada yang kasih
aku merayu pada mu yang sudi memujuk
Purnama Merindu - Siti Nurhaliza
Ataukah hanya di bibir saja
Bersungguhkan rindu yang engkau pamirkan
Ataukan sekadar lakonan
aku meminta pada yang ada
aku merindu pada yang kasih
aku merayu pada mu yang sudi merinduku
aku meminta pada yang ada
aku merindu pada yang kasih
aku merayu pada mu yang sudi memujuk
Purnama Merindu - Siti Nurhaliza
Friday, September 10, 2004
ancients' passage
one thing that i wanted to write for some time already.
the elders of the clan are leaving us one by one. in a short span of a month, two of my grand-uncles have passed on, and my grandfather is sickly. although i have now come to accept this cycle of life, i cannot help but be poignant. the elders were the link that the younger generation held to, the ones through whom we recognise our brethren, and find that connection. but i fear that once they pass on, that link would be broken, and we would begin to drift apart from each other. i hope that that does not happen. i pray that the bonds remain strong enough to keep us all.
ila hadratil aa'li Khan Surattee, al-ahya-i minhum wal amwat, wa qarabatihim, wa ila hadratil Muhammad s.a.w wa a'la aa'lihi wasahbihi wasallim.
the elders of the clan are leaving us one by one. in a short span of a month, two of my grand-uncles have passed on, and my grandfather is sickly. although i have now come to accept this cycle of life, i cannot help but be poignant. the elders were the link that the younger generation held to, the ones through whom we recognise our brethren, and find that connection. but i fear that once they pass on, that link would be broken, and we would begin to drift apart from each other. i hope that that does not happen. i pray that the bonds remain strong enough to keep us all.
ila hadratil aa'li Khan Surattee, al-ahya-i minhum wal amwat, wa qarabatihim, wa ila hadratil Muhammad s.a.w wa a'la aa'lihi wasahbihi wasallim.
hiatus over
i am back.
it was kind of a relief to have the net back at home, since school banned certain sites from being accessed, such as the blogs (the chatterboxes could not load, can you believe it???) and friendster. for that i have to thank my mother, for kindly sponsoring the payment.
i was really lost the past few weeks, and cut off from the world. it was a choice i had to make, to either lose my handphone connection or my internet connection. at first glance i had to go with my internet connection, knowing that i still had the opportunity to check up the net from school. but eventually, it so hit me that i needed both, badly. it is not a case of addiction mind you, it is just that i really needed the net to do my research (which is really a lot of research) and my correspondence with my team members.
a lot of things have happened which i would like to pen down, but my memory does not serve me well enough. so if someday i remember through a jolt, i will recapitulate what i have missed out.
but for now,
hi all, again.
i am back.
it was kind of a relief to have the net back at home, since school banned certain sites from being accessed, such as the blogs (the chatterboxes could not load, can you believe it???) and friendster. for that i have to thank my mother, for kindly sponsoring the payment.
i was really lost the past few weeks, and cut off from the world. it was a choice i had to make, to either lose my handphone connection or my internet connection. at first glance i had to go with my internet connection, knowing that i still had the opportunity to check up the net from school. but eventually, it so hit me that i needed both, badly. it is not a case of addiction mind you, it is just that i really needed the net to do my research (which is really a lot of research) and my correspondence with my team members.
a lot of things have happened which i would like to pen down, but my memory does not serve me well enough. so if someday i remember through a jolt, i will recapitulate what i have missed out.
but for now,
hi all, again.
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