Tuesday, June 14, 2005


from the 10-13, i went to climb the legendary mt ophir with my ntu friends. it was a most fulfilling and enriching trip for me. i went as a facilitator to a group of youths-at-risk, in the hope that the companionship that i could provide would somehow leave a mark, however small. although that was the official capacity of my expedition, i found myself making it a matter of personal achievement. mt ophir is after all, the sixth most challenging mountain terrain in the whole of malaysia, and to reach the peak is something to be proud of. although my ascent was not absolutely trouble free (what not with the cramps, and the heavy bags, of which i had to be relieved of before i could continue my climb), i have to say that i managed to feel exhilarated once i conquered the summit. another incident which happened tested my mettle to take responsibility and use my medical knowledge to manage a casualty, which i think i did ok, alhamdulillah.

but as always, its the people whom i am serving that i should be most worried about. i am glad to say that despite being in the most rowdy, loud, obnoxious, insane team ever of boys, we managed to hit it off, and we managed to hit it off good. there was a good rapport, which became something more at the end. and i know that as how i felt it, the boys felt it too. and it was something good.

so that is ledang in a breath - sigh.

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