Tuesday, January 01, 2008

poetic truth

"We all aspire to the same goal: to worship God in a way that satisfies us and that pleases the Lord.
Looking at it in this way provides a basis for all people of faith to find common cause and find a way to achieve harmony and to work.
It is like we are all together inside a big black box with many pinholes along the exterior.
We look out and see pinpoints of light shining in.
Each person picks one source of light and says ' that is the one I follow'.
But outside the box, there is only one sun shining."

-- Shyakh Hisham Kabbani (of Naqshbandi Haqqani Sufi Order) in an interview with the Middle East Quarterly in 2000. The above quote, so beautifully put, has been taken from an article 'Sufi antidote to religious terrorism' by Mafoot Simon, The Straits Times, 12 September 2006.

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