Friday, March 14, 2008

there has to be a reason...

why my slippers broke on me today after prayers...
why i scratched my arm against the gate today...
why my food order was misinterpreted by the waiter...
why cik brahim was not around and i had to stay downstairs...

and though i am not wise enough to perhaps see the reasons, i have faith that there are reasons.

and why she had to go through it, i believe, there is a reason as well.
whether we are entitled to understand that reason is yet to be seen.

Allah Does as He Wills.
There are times when the reasons are evident.
And there are also times when it is best to conceal the reason till His servants are more able to comprehend.

No matter what, it is important to have faith that whatever happens, the good and the bad, only serve to make us better people with stronger character. And again, these tests Allah Gives, are not without their rewards. Perhaps that is one way we can comfort ourselves.

Whatever it is, she is not alone.

So have hope. have heart. and heal.

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