Sunday, December 12, 2004

end of raya notes


i remembered four weeks ago, when the whole hullabaloo started about raya.
syawal began with on a bad note, but fortunately progressed on with getting better and better. and there were of course many things that i participated in, many events that i attended, many houses that i visited.

today officially marks the end of raya celebrations for me, and a very very exhausted me indeed. but i am not complaining.

these weeks have seen me at the peak of my mood, and smiling most of the time.
meeting up with my friends, had a unspoken, inexpressible pleasure. jelira kemanisan hanya dapat dirasakan di lubuk hati, as how they would say it in malay.

my involvement in activities in and out of school, with and without my friends, have left me pretty much sated, and fulfilled for the holidays. i kind of feel refreshed and ready to go back to school - something which i never thought would actually happen.

i know i promised to update on the different outings that i went to, but as it is, time will not allow me to blab on and on. furthermore, a picture speaks a thousand words. so i will post some pictures instead, that capture, among others, the familial ties, the fun, the joy and the pure bliss of simply being among loved ones.

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