Saturday, October 14, 2006

first official debates competition

just came back from my first true official inter-varsity-polytechnic debates competition.
i went there with a mind of a 24-year old, and have returned with the mind of a 70-year old demented. if you want to talk about exposing a debate noob to the actual world of debating, this would have been a seriously good time and place.

each debate i participated in shed so much more light on debating styles, and technique than my time in school. and i was flabbergasted at the sheer disparity between the polytechnic teams and the varsity teams. it is truly a different league, they and us.

but i am glad that i was forced to take part in this. it showed me my own weaknesses, and my strengths, and let me work on the areas which i am lacking in. that's really what the whole debates was for... to make me rise up to the mark that i have shown potential to reach.

haha. but fried brains are not really good for you, you know?

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