Tuesday, October 03, 2006

lesson of the second paper

lecturers are evil creatures.

they have one main purpose: to make you academic life miserable.

and they will go through all means and manners to ensure that they achieve their aims.

second paper was psychosocial dysfunction. as how i mentioned before, this paper is a weird one. because we don't know what to expect. and the lecturer also does not know what to test us on.
so what did she do? she tested us on every single thing. the main question may appear to be just asking about a specific condition, but the consequent questions, she asked on every other diagnosis that could possibly, even remotely, be related.

so it was only 4 questions, testing on 20 conditions, within one hour. ONLY.
schizophrenia leading to epilepsy leading to intellectual disability leading to depression leading to dementia leading to whatever else she could think of. and she tested on case studies which we covered in school, which i must say, was another prong of her evil trident.

i actually cramped while struggling to write within the time. for the first time ever.

and guess what? i want to be a lecturer too, so i can inflict such pleasureful pain on MY students. haha.

on other news: for attachments, going to tan tock seng neuro.

looking forward to that.

next paper: sociology of work and organisations.

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