Friday, March 16, 2007

sydney attachment

did not think that it was so troublesome when planning for the attachments.
because, damn it, they expect us to go and do everything ourselves.

flight tickets, accommodations, insurance, visas, immunisations, the works.
all to be settled by ourselves.

its super stressful, especially now that you're so close to it already... because many things are not settled. at times i even wonder if its worth all the money and trouble that i am going through.

at least $4000, and time spent running around making the arrangements during FYP and exams. utterly stressful.

i guess its all part of the experience.

i am nervous as shit.

tentatively, i will leave on the 27th of March, and come back on the 12th of May.
this is of course for those who care.
any more updates, i will just post it up again.

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