Thursday, March 18, 2004

prestige and practicality...friendship and enmity...melodrama of me

so so so...what has it come to now? me biting my fingers all day through just cos the future holds very uncertain things. i am damn sure that i do not want to ever do engine. but i am also damn sure that my parents will not be totally supportive. this decision i make is my own...truly my own. and i am left all alone to deliberate and to ruminate the possible effects of success or failure.

i will send in the application to occupational therapy, i might as well. but i should also be attending school in case i do not get it. but the lethargy of NTU has set in and rooted itself pretty well in me. i really dunno, because i really cannot stand the subjects anymore. and even if i do, i will be so far back that i might as well just take it all from the beginning, which i definitely do not want to.

and that is why i am biting my fingers, because like it or not, my exams are just too close for comfort. and these are exams that i have to take, like it or not. and i got to pretty much make sure that i make it through for it is still my back-up. sigh.

and i did try to make up. but there was just simply no response. so there.
do not say i did not try. and i will remind myself that i did try to no avail.
friendship ends? i do not know.

but frankly, it does not matter.

or does it?

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