Friday, March 26, 2004

sephia...what a song

Malam ini ku takkan datang
Mencoba 'tuk berpaling sayang
Dari cintamu
Malam ini ku takkan pulang
Tak usah kau mencari aku,
demi cintamu
Hadapilah ini
Kisah kita takkan abadi

Hey Sephia
I wont be coming tonight
I am trying to turn myself
Away from your love
Hey Sephia
I wont be returning tonight
Dont bother looking for me,
For the sake of your love
Face it,
Our love story will not last forever

S'lamat tidur kekasih gelap ku
S'moga cepat kau lupakan aku
Kekasih sejatimu takkan pernah sanggup
untuk melupakanmu
S'lamat tinggal kasih tak terungkap
S'moga kau lupakan aku cepat
Kekasih sejatimu takkan pernah sanggup
untuk meninggalkanmu

Goodnight my illicit lover
May you forget me with haste
For a true lover will never ever
Be able to forget you
Goodbye my unmentionable love
May you forget me with haste
For a true lover could never ever
Bring himself to leave you

Jangan pernah panggil namaku
Bila kita bertemu lagi
Dilain hari
Hadapilah ini
Kisah kita takkan abadi

Hey Sephia,
Never ever call out my name
If ever we should meet
On occasion
Face it,
Our love story will never last forever

this is a song by indonesian band sheila on 7. i heard the song some time ago but i din really take notice of it. i actually only truly pay attention to songs when they are played with the right images at the right time. so while i was watching tv that day, they played the song as a trailer for an up-coming serial. and i got hooked.

and then as i was listening and looking at the lyrics, i realised that the song, while at first glance may appear to be typically lovey-dovey, i realised that it was actually not so. the song actually sings about an illicit affair which the protagonist no longer wishes to continue. and that he wants a clean break, with no traces that the love or affair ever took place between them. and this was a really refreshing outlook on love, where songs traditionally have been written proclaiming the sanctity and inviolability of love. love songs tended to carry a very stereotypical message, that true love will prevail, ideal in all senses, happy endings will know the story.

so a song about an affair gone sour(?) is indeed new. and it brings a new perspective to the jaded outlook that love songs convey.

so i give thumbs up for this song. i love it.

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