Monday, May 17, 2004

a cousin's wedding

this is a bitching story. so for those who can't stand it, carry on to other posts. but for those who carry on, it ends pretty well. so whatever.

saturday night was the dinner affair at the national orchid park. there was a quota for every family, like only three or four could attend the dinner. wtf. its a wedding and you split family like that. the worse thing is, its not the first time. no point being rich and all that, but then in trying to show off wealth and sophistication, you compromise the integrity of the family. and you served alcohols at the dinner. wtf again. thank goodness i did not go. i was initially uninvited and later, due to a poor response they asked that i come anyways. too late. two strikes against you.

sunday, i was forced to attend the "sanding" affair. fine. give face to you as eldest child to my grandfather, and to the groom, eldest grandchild. i managed to have fun there anyways. saw my cousins, met up with my grandaunties, aunties, uncles, and most importantly, the youngest few in the generation after me, my nieces and nephews...they are soooo cute... and they made the day all fine and dandy...

sigh...when will i have kids?

PS: cousin is half arab, cousin-in-law is chinese-korean. talk about exotic.

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