Monday, April 26, 2004

zapin, here i come

tarian on saturday night was a whole new experience all over again.


a most energetic, lively and enchanting dance form to me. and it was one of the greatest pull factor for me, when i even considered entering perkumpulan seni. and i was even more determined to learn it when we saw the PA peeps perform their contemporary piece during sari budaya. i wanted to be able to move like them. i needed to move like them.

boy was i in for a time.

twisting my oh-so-unprofessional body, doing back flips, contorting but controlling your frame through different levels of motion - i really was not prepared for it. i actually felt the utter need to train up, and how my current form will not in the least bit help in making me a better dancer.

my body reacted really bad to the whole regime. my ankles were sore, and my muscles all tensed up the next morning. My butt was aching to the max, and even lifting my legs hurt. my whole pelvic region was sore from all the thrusts and gyration. and i could not even laugh, 'cos my stomach would resist in pain everytime i doubled up in mirth. it was a weird feeling. i like it, knowing that i am punishing myself for not keeping in shape. but at the same time, it was that exact thing that might actually get me back to shape.

hahaha...i hope.

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