Saturday, July 24, 2004

exco baru

congrats to my friends for their appointments to exco NTUMS!

they are namely, president Hafiz Mustaffa, vice pres muslim Ahmad Bakhtiar, vice pres muslimah Suhaila Ahmad Samsi, and last but not least, Training Development Officer, Rezuan!!

the task ahead is not small, and i can see their jittery faces and associated jittery hearts wondering what the future holds and what is in store for them. well, brothers and sisters...


your appointments came to you by His Grace and Mercy, first of all. and i believe that you are all thankful to Him. secondly, it was by syura that you were all elected, so obviously, your capabilities and weaknesses were intricately monitored and your suitability to the posts, scrutinised. and when the decision came out, it was to the best interest of all parties and to the society as a whole that you were elected. thirdly, it is testament to your abilities and how you have conducted yourself in the past year among your peers. so either extrinsically or intrinsically, you have proven yourselves worthy to be entrusted with the responsibilities.

while some of you may not have total faith in the syura, i ask that you trust the Divine Plan. everything that happens has a reason and a hikmah behind it. and all will be revealed in due time. there may be greater things in line for ALL of you, where you are now. believe.

for the new exco, i am so happy for you. insya Allah, where i am i will still be rooting for the whole lot of you, exco or not. but i hope you remember what we have achieved together as a team, when we are not in our appointments. that team still exists now, so never forget to tap on the team's potential. remember our roots and humble beginnings together and realise that we will never succeed, unless together.

"with great power comes great responsibility, but even ants can move mountains if they work together..."


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