Monday, July 05, 2004

VENATORIS '04 update

the camp is fast approaching.

in 7 days' time, all your hard work will come to bear fruit.

my brothers and sisters have given their all and more in planning and ensuring that the camp is as interesting and as exciting and as inspiring as it can be. i am glad to see that differences have been resolved and that conflicts are at a minimum. truly, they are all seeing the need for restraint and patience. and i really respect them for that.

and working together towards a common goal, that is what is most important.

i already asked that a letter be given to me to excuse me from school, so that i can attend and give my fair share of work and effort (which once again, i apologise for my lack of throughout the whole planning stage). i hope it works.

and i am anticipating the day we all sit down, when its over and done with, and we say,
"Alhamdulillah, that was a great camp. Great job everyone."

and the tears will flow once more...

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