Saturday, April 21, 2007

food junkie

well, this is for those of you who are worried about me and my diet here. let's just say that proper food is kind of difficult to find, but i somehow make do with what i can. and given my experience in the army, and in sri lanka, i really don't think that i will die. haha. of malnutrition that is. here is a picture of the kind of stores i have in my room, just to sustain myself.

yeah for the undiscerning eye, what i have in the picture is, left to right: breakfast shakes, cream cheese, mineral water, mee goreng instant, canned tuna, hot chocolate mix, salmon, muesli bars, and salad. yeah and that should sustain me like for about 4-5 days?

i try to eat out in the weekends just to get real food in. but i manage somehow during the week on these food. so not too bad really.

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