Wednesday, October 06, 2004

sue sue!!

nura wrote in her blog about suing the yellow ass off the photocopy lady.

i want to sue all people who spit carelessly over their shoulders.

blardy biyatch was walking in front of me, blardy oblivious to the blardy world around her. taking her own blardy sweet time to blardy walk down the blardy pavement. then as i was trying to overtake her, blardy biyatch turned her blardy face over her blardy left shoulder, blardy puckered her blardy mouth, and blardy spat, straight into my path. then she blardy saw that her blardy sputum almost blardy kena my leg, and she screwed up her blardy face and said blardy sorry. i was blardy pissed man, blardy blardy pissed. stoopid blardy biyatch.

nura counsel, can i blardy sue her ass too, and punish her to a lifetime of sucking up all the sputum on the floor of the blardy world, just so she knows that she should not have F**KING spat in the first blardy place?

kindly advise...

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