Tuesday, November 16, 2004


i know its kinda late for this.
but yah, selamat menyambut bulan syawal to all (not hari raya cos that day is past...)

just an entry to commemorate that fateful day then.

in psychology, Piaget suggested that humans develop in stages. at age 2-7, they are at the "preoperational stage", which is characterised by symbolic activity or play, but to a very great degree, egocentrism. egocentrism is defined as the inability to perceive objects or situations from another person's perspective. therefore, the child at such a stage is usually observed to be self-biased i.e. self-centred.

note the age range.

it is kind of peculiar, how individuals at a supposed age range beyond that, can regress to that stage - a stage which they have purported passed a long, long time ago.

many times, we experience situations which arise from this basic problem - an egocentric antagonist. and the final conclusion we draw from the incident - people should learn to see things from another's perspective, and that one's actions may have consequences on other people. but the question that begs to be answered is, how many of us actually make a conscious effort to be less egocentric after the incident?

sometimes, we just say the things that we say, to end the incident. but then we continue harbouring the thoughts and emotions - that we are right, that the other party is wrong, that everyone but yourself is being unreasonable, and that there is therefore no other way out, but your way.

i admit that at this time, i am feeling exactly that.

something happened on the morning of raya, an event that was utterly unexpected, and rather uncalled for from my point of view. to blame just one person for the affair would be very unfair. to put it nicely, yes, somehow, someway, all were at fault for being caught up in their own worlds.

but i blame another person totally for it. and i still believe that the ultimate fault lies with him. it all precipitated and accumulated because of how selfish, how stubborn, how immature and how blind he is towards the whole state of affairs, and how everyone has suffered because of him.

and i hate the way he simply pretends that nothing has happened, and that everything is fine. bullshit. he is really undeserving of the things that he has gotten, in my eyes. accuse me of egocentrism now. i dun give a damn. frankly i have a feeling that nothing was achieved by that incident, that it all came to naught, whatever we tried to talk about.

if it were me, i would have chased him out a long time ago. impulsive? come experience it for yourself first, then judge me.

whatever it is, the bitter aftertaste of the whole event remains even to this day.
all i remember, is going to my room, and just collapsing to the floor, crying and lamenting. that's egocentrism for you. i had no other thing in my mind, except how i felt and what i thought.

i really did not want to celebrate raya. the whole mood was gone and destroyed.

wait, that's wrong.

the whole mood is gone and destroyed.

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