Thursday, February 12, 2004

and so...?

oops, i realised i sidetracked there.

back to my jadedness and Moulin Rouge.

well, so because of these selfish people, i have sort of become jaded. and i am in the process of becoming even more so, as i seek to protect myself from being hurt. to whom it may concern, good luck to you when you face me then. there was a time when i gave you chances, but i did not really see you taking good opportunity to reflect and change. everytime, all you said was that you wanted to change, but sadly the change was temporary.

it is difficult to change one's own character, i admit. even i have flaws which i would gladly trade for better virtues. but at least i can live with it. and unfortunately for either of us, you can live with your flaws too. and i will not make any more effort to try to change you. i have to accept that which i refused to accept many times before. that perhaps we are incompatible socially. so there. you can take yourself somewhere else or to someone else who will bear your faults with greater patience than i, and hopefully you find respite there.

so Moulin Rouge is no more a perfectly touching love story, it is just a fleeting imaginary impression of a love that can never exist here in the real world.

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